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I'm a little confused about the descriptions of the ADC VDDA, VREF+ and input voltage range.Do I understand it correctly thatVDD is the device supplyVDDA is the ADC supplyVREF+ is the ADC referenceIt says VREF+ can be supplied internally as 1.8 V, 2....
The description of the on and off pins is not complete. What happens if both are active at the same time? Does one pin have higher priority than the other? Is it possible to turn the device on/off just using one of the pins letting the other one unco...
Is it possible to start either of these Vipers up earlier than their stated HV startup voltage by sourcing VCC manually (external supply) from the Vin voltage?
I want to use the on-board RTC while all power (except VBAT which will be connected to a battery) is turned off to retain the clock.Is it possible to power the on-board RTC from VBAT and turn off ALL other supplies?What will happen after the other su...
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