Does the VN5T016AH-E handle short circuits with extremely low inductance/resistance without damage to the device? The datasheet states that there is a 53us turn-off delay which would result in 4J of energy in the FET in the case of a dead short with ...
I have a bit of code as follows:str r3, [r0, #68]ldr r3, [r0, #68]where [r0, #68] is TIM20.BDTR on a STM32G474. I would expect that the LDR would output the same data that was just stored, however it seems that out outputs the previous data. I al...
I'm trying to read the internal temperature sensor of a G474 with ADC5 in continuous mode, but the value of RDATA never seems to change even though ADSTART is set to 1. I know that the code is otherwise correct as if I turn off continuous mode and st...
I'm trying to use DMA with the USART2 receiver in half-duplex mode but the DMA indicates a device error as soon as it begins even though no error flag is set in the ISR register either before the DMA starts or after the DMA ends, additionally the sam...
@STOne-32 Could you suggest to the docs team that the register definitions really need some sort of indication when a read is not guaranteed to be equal to the previous write? Even if it's just an asterisk next to the field name without any further d...
They're both /1 (HPRE = 0, PPRE = 0). The following works as expected rather than using a DMB, so something about DMB causes an issue even though it should cause at least a single cycle wait as far as I'm aware: 80128ac: 6c43 ldr ...
Never mind, it turns out this is just another case of a key detail being buried in an obscure part of the reference manual:Because MOE falling edge can be asynchronous, a resynchronization circuit has been inserted between the actual signal (acting o...