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Hello all,   I have a GNSS1A1 board with the LIV3F module. My problem is, in teseo suite my gps location shows up accurately, however when I look at the messages it is clear to me my location in those messages are far away from me.How is this possibl...
Hi I have connected the GNSS1A1 board and F446ZE boards. When I run the FW (Virtual Com Port) that I set up through STM32CUBE IDE (X-CUBE-GNSS) and start the program, when it enters MX_GNSS_Process() the gnssMsg struct's buffer pointer is pointing at...
Hi all,I have a custom board, which previously used the ST32L052 processor, that I changed to STM32H5. Previously I could use the USB_Dev middleware to make it a VCOM Port and could send data without a problem to my PC. After the processor change I a...
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