User Activity

I am using a Nucleo-F401RE and wanted to look at the UART section. Ideally i wanted to see the pins go up and down to see what they are doing. I am using huart1 so the transmit is on PA9 and receive is on PA10. I've hooked up the logic analyzer to PA...
I am attempting to talk to BMP280 over SPI using Nucelo-F401RE. I am using SPI2 on the F401RE board to do so, I am able to read from it correctly but I can't seem to write to it in order to communicate with it. My code is as follows   /* USER CODE B...
I am trying to talk to my NUCLEO-F103RB board via my st-link/V2 B202016 but so far I have not been able to. Below is an image of my connectionBelow is an image of my jtag connect I have connected the pins in following order JTAG_Pin 19 -> (Nucleo Boa...
I'm trying to get some adc values from my nucle-mb1549-ws but no matter what i do, i can't seem to get any values. Below i have attached the main.c file source code. Below is an image of my .ioc file to give you an idea of what is happening. I am try...
I am using a nucleo-F103RB. This device was functional in the past. I am getting an error  Error in final launch sequence: Failed to execute MI command:target remote localhost:61239 Error message from debugger back end:localhost:61239: Connection tim...