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Hi ST Community,I am using the board of STM32WBA55CGU6 board for OTA application and i want to use the application present in STM32Cube_FW_WBA_V1.3.0 and STM32Cube_FW_WBA_V1.2.0 packages. Since these packages are present in STM32Cube IDE version 1.15...
I am using smt32wba52cgu6 MCU in my project. In this project i want to use SD card module but since the module has no FAFTS middleware in STM32Cube Mx as well as in STM32cube IDE. I am using the libraries available in the git hub for fafts (https://g...
Hii everyone,I want to debug STM32F103C8T6 controller by using the debugger present in the STM32F446RE nucleo board. After setting the parameters , when i go for debugging the following error is coming. Please guide me how i could debug my respective...
Hiii everyone!!!! i want to use ADXL345 as accelerometer by using spi communicatiton and debug and display the value of respective axis in any serial monitor. Please give me the respective code for my guidiance. 
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