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Hello, I would like to use the converter SPV1050 in a new product of my company but I have some doubts. First of all, the application I need is to feed a harvesting device, which includes a supercapacitor of 5F and 5V. So, I need an output from the S...
Hello, I have created a custom PCB based on STM32U545RET6Q and I am getting crazy to do it work. I have a random errors and I can't solve any of them becaouse each time the hardfaluts are different. I started to work with the EVAL board MB-1841 (STM3...
Hello, I'm using an smt32u545re in GPDMA mode. I followed the videos "STM32U5 workshop - 07 GPDMA in practice - coding and debug in STM32CubeIDE" on YouTube. I am obtaining an array of 64 values in total, 16 values for each adc channel I am reading f...