Hello,I'm working with an STM32U5 custom board.I use the LPUART1 to read input with an interrupt as shown below and to write it back on the same LPUART1 : void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
Hello,I'm working with an STM32U5 custom board.I use the LPUART1 to read input with an interrupt as shown below and to write it back on the same LPUART1 :In the while loop of the main function I have : while (1)
Thank you all for taking the time to answer my question and for reminding me all these good practices. And thank you @Karl Yamashita for the code, this is a much better approach than mine and it work like this.I will especially focus on this advice ...
Hello @Bob S thanks for your answer, that's interesting.I don't have the UART register displayed in the SFR window so it's not the reason.My buffer is an uninitialized uint8_t array (OK that's bad but it should be all zero).Well apparently the proble...