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Hi,ST professor.   I am now using stm32mp135faf7 chip. I want to encrypt my TA application(optee_examples/hello_world/ta).how to get the key TA_ENC_KEY to  encrypt the hellow_world application   thanks.
hello,st friends.   My board use TIM2_CH1 pwm to drive a led.dts configure as:but the led can not light on.use these command byw: I use gpio test led hardware is ok 
Hi st friends:  stm32mp135f-dk bord use pmic  STPMIC1D, but it is too expensive than STPMIC1A.can i replace STPMIC1D with STPMIC1A
Hi st frends:  Yestarday I fuse the OTP PKHTH as followBut today I found  the key I fuse is not the correct one. So I want to re-fuse the OTP ,it seems that can't no fuse again.  is there any way to fuse the OTP this situation? 
Hi,   I usb buildroot(branch: st/2023.02.2) to buid my system.I want to know how to configure  to enable secure boot.if i just enable TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT=1MBEDTLS_DIR=$(MBEDTLS_DIR)then compile error as follow make[2]: *** No rule to make target '/hom...
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