use STM32CubeMX to get the initialization code,but UART9 not work,use the LL LibraryUART9 initializationvoid MX_UART9_Init(void)
LL_USART_InitTypeDef USART_InitStruct = {0};
LL_GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct = {0};
I've found the problem.There is a problem when use LL library to initialize UART9.In the LL_USART_Init function,This function is used incorrectly,LL_RCC_GetUARTClockFreq should be used
I have read content of UART and RCC,the only difference of UART4 and UART9 is the uart clk enable,UART4 use RCC->APB1LENR and UART9 use RCC->APB1HENR,is there any other differences?