Hello All !
I have an issue with the CAN bus on STM32F042G6. I am using PA11 and PA12 Pins. Here is the configuration part with a 48MHz internal clock :
static void MX_CAN_Init(void)
Just to explain you a little bit more. I have one master on the CAN line and many slaves. So, when I sent the CAN frames with one slave, I wasn't able to interrupt the SW. No, as it works in Normal (what I called slave mode) and loop mode, I wanted t...
To be honest, you are a hero ! ;)I just change RX pin to pull up and everything works... I provide you the files.Thank you very much for your help.One more question, is it necessary to put Rx pin in pull up configuration in Loopback and slave mode ?A...
Thank you again for your answer.Unfortunately same result... I tried to do a very simple project with only CAN bus, so I have nothing more... I don't know where this issue come from.It is like if the Rx Pin is not well configured or there is an issue...