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Hello, Normally when i have to handle clicks or drags on a screen I just check where the clickEvent happens and if it has happened in the scroll with buttons inside it i cancel the event if its a scroll and do list.handleClick/Drag/Gesture event and ...
Hi gm I have the following scroll list When I click on delete i execute the following code  void Display_Stages::Delete_Stage(uint8_t id) { // Find element with m_id == id auto it = std::find_if(m_elements.begin(), m_elements.end(), [id](Stages_E...
Hi!So I am doing a program that supports spanish as language, and in spanish we use the "tilde" which is just used sometimes to mark the accent of a word it looks like this: "Actualización", and when I put it in a wildcard it just shows the fallback ...
Hi!I'm developing an application in the simulator, I'm stuck on one bug with the scrollWheel. I have done these two scrollWheel that i update on their respective callbacks like this:void Display_Stages::m_scroll_pressureUpdateItem (Item_To_Select &it...
Hi I have a scrollable container inside a swipe container and i need to check when the drag is horizontal and when it's vertical so that I can channel the event to the one i want it to handle with, this was discussed and resolved in this post:https:/...
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