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hi, community!I need to use SDIO integrated into Stm32f407VET6 BlackBoard I followed two videos on youtube and always gave me the same problem  res=f_mount(&fs,"",1); always gives me FR_NOT_READY I asked Gemini and he told me to change it to   res=f_...
Hi community!I write a simple code in stm32 and I need to calculate the memory usage from the build analyzer this is a part of the code   #define N 16146 volatile uint16_t adc_buffer[N]; int main(void) { HAL_Init(); SystemClock_Config(); MX_GPIO_Init...
Hi CommunityI'm working on a project with stm32F407VET6, and I need a database for storing data. I found the ITTIA DB, and I install it from stm32 cube ide in the middleware categories (FreeRTOS support) but when I read the documentation in the offic...
Hi community.I'm working with stm32F407VET6 black board, and I need to simulate the project before implementing it in the real system. so, I need a software simulation of stm32F407xx or how to make it in hardware in the loop, I tried to search for a ...
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