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HI everyone,I need to access my ram 2 (ram1 = 32k and ram2 = 32k - contiguous to ram1 )  , i am using __attribute__((section(".RAM2_region"))) for the function which i have to shift it to ram2 and i have not changed anything in the linker script i ha...
The following are the steps i am following to access ram2 (my Microcontroller documents - See the linker script ,how they have defined ram2 in my linker script they have def...
Hi everyone , can anyone please help me in the issue which i am facing, any help will be much appreciated, i am using the sample projects in the website will be attaching the link -
Can anyone guide me if i am doing the correct way of combining 2 rams in linker script(attached with the message ) for my stm32 based micro controller - which is stm32wle5xx, any help would be much appreciated.