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How to set the number of simultaneous connections (backlog) in the Raw Socket Listen API? This is the relevant code snippet: /* start tcp listening for echo_pcb */ tcp_echoserver_pcb = tcp_listen( tcp_echoserver_pcb ); In contrast, the BSD/LWIP Socke...
This is regarding the issue I am currently handling. I am using STM3240G evaluation board to run a Modbus server having a TCP Raw socket-based echo server interface which receives Modbus request packets, sent from ModScan32 tool.                     ...
I’ve created an STM32 project using STM32CubeIDE and enabled LWIP and FreeRTOS. My purpose is to run a basic TCP Server program on the STM3240G-Eval board using BSD sockets, containing two threads. I need to use most of the BSD socket calls such as l...