User Activity

Hello ST community,I am developing a user interface with touchGFX in STM32F769i-Disco and i have multiple screens,one the screens it contains button and when a button is pressed i execute a command such a control a ledThe issue when i switch another ...
Hello ST community,i hope you can help me with this errorI am developping touchgfx application and i nedd to display water volume in the screen, so i made some changes in my code and i compile with stm32ide i build it , the console show no error when...
Hello,I want to do GPIO initialization for STM32F769I-DISCOhere, i am using those pins in my code: {GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = EV2_Pin|AF1_Pin|WF5_Pin; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; GPIO_InitStruct.Sp...