Dear ForumIm using STM32 H755 ZI in the starter kit. I set the Timer 4 for generate a Interrupt each 1ms.At begin of INT: -I toggle a PIN, -and, send a SPI data (8 byte or 16..not important)What I noted is a delay of almost 10uS beetwen pin ...
Dear ForumI modify the freq of CPU and SPI, and get to the conclusion that max distance beetwen 2 consecutive transmisson is circa 1uS (distance bettwen 2 H->L transiction of CS) ; in particular:- delay decrease if Baud rate increase-delay decrease i...
Thanks Mr David for ReplyI need to generate a SIN at 100KHZ, with a external DAC . The 100K meand Period=10us.So, with the HAL delay of 8us circa, im at limit (without consider the SPI transfer time circa 0.5us).Because i send SPI data in a INT Time...
Dear Forum.About my last question, I tried to use enable and disable SPI via .SPE, and so, able to reload TSIZE. This make the trasnfercorrect, but i have not 10us as HAL produce, but 2-3 us .Question are:-Why so much delay, and, where i find in data...
Thanks Mr David for replyI create a code with Hal, and code is working as i aspect...all OKBecause a big delay ,im triing to bypass HAL (hope is the correct solution.)So, I also read all the datasheet about SPI ,register and flags, tryng to bypassthi...
Thanks for reply.Im using the starter kit, NUCLEO-H755, and,as ground , I use the PIN5 of CN10.This is digital ground .Maybe the cable i connect to the pin are to long, but let me redo the connectionand close some device near the kit (monitor and so....