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Hi team,                 I have purchased STEVAL-MKBOXPRO, It has LSM6DSV16X IMU with SFLP algorithm. MotionFX algorithm used in Algo builder. Is there any difference between those algorithm?. Which one is give more accurate output?
Hi team,I am using STEVAL-MKBOXPRO with expert mode. I created a sensor fusion feature through expert mode. But I couldn't upload to the tile box. I tired many times but BLE not worked. 
Hi team,I used algo builder(Version and tried to store ACC ,Gyro and other sensor values in SD card. I can see the sensor values in User Messages window(Unicleo GUI), but that data not stored in SD card. Kindly help to store the data in S...
Hi all,                               Can we get 6DOF(Acc + Gyro only) quaternion (Game Rotation Vector) data from STVAL-MKBOXPRO?. Is there any example available? kindly share the link.
Hi all, Is there any difference between LSM6DSV16x and LSM6DSV16xTR except the packaging?Thanks in advance.
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