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Hi,My thread starts working with the features I mentioned below:    panID = 0x2222U; channelNB = 12U; networkKey = (otNetworkKey) { .m8 = {0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF} };    ...
Hi,I'm using a STM32WB55RG Nucleo and STM32WB55 USB Dongle. I programmed the nucleo as FTD and write 2 sources and programmed the usb as MTD and write 2 sources that exactly the same with FTD. I'm trying to send coap messages from FTD to MTD so this ...
Hi,I'm trying to use usb device of my STM32WB55RG Nucleo board but when I connect my device to computer, I got a "USB Device not recognized" error. I used "LL_HSEM_1StepLock( HSEM, 5 )" function before APPE init. How can i get rid of this error?Best ...
Hi,I'm trying to make a thread project. I create my project properly and wrote just multicast coap codes but when I run my code on the board, it get error. I follow my code and I found this function "otInstanceErasePersistentInfo()" returns "OT_ERROR...
Hi,I'm trying to debug new thread ftd project. You can find my settings below:   - HSEM - IPCC - RCC -> HSE/LSE - SYS -> Serial wire - RTC - LPUART1 & LPUART1 DMA - USART1 & USART1 DMA - RF - STM32_WPAN as a THREAD   When I debug it, It gives me a li...