User Activity

Hello, please, can I put the power antenna configuration to the maximum 8dBm? and how? thanks
Hello,in the datasheet of LPS22HBTR the absolute pressure accuracy is between 0. and 1 mBar in the range of 0°C and 65°C .Please have more information about the absolute pressure accuracy in negative temperature ? because i will use it betwen -20°C a...
HelloI ordered 10 samples of the LPS22HH pressure sensor evaluation board (STEVAL-MKI192V1). Upon receipt, I noticed that each board was packaged in a cardboard box but without an anti-static bag.I then began taking measurements by varying the pressu...
Helloin the data sheet of LPS22HH the absolute accuracy is  ±0.5 in which range of pressure ? ( 800 hPa to 1100 hPa) ? because i tested some samples in 0.3 bar and 0.5 bar, there big difference between the mesure of LPS22HH and reference (exactly val...
Hello,i' m using STM32CubeIDE with Nucleo-WB05KZ .i started with the exemple of BLE_p2pServer, so i  imported the project and  when i tried to Run the project i get this error  : Program "make" not found in PATH there an extention "make" to install a...
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