Hello Sandro
It looks like a mistake on the Generator. Maybe the function was only intended to be used in TouchGFXGeneratedHAL.cpp. I see no reason for that. We will change it in next release...
Meanwhile, I think you should just copy the function im...
A little background:
As you know there is always only one Screen class allocated. It is therefore not allowed to have pointers or references to variables in a Screen saved in the Model and keeping them after a transition.
The (relevant) code exec...
Hi Farukisiker
A clear example shall you get:
As you know the default max block height is 20 rows.
I created this application:
I use an interaction to redraw the white box in every other tick. The white box is 20x200 pixels.
With the default configu...
One last thing to check:
When you have two versions of an XCube installed in MX, you should check which version is selected:
Please check when it is convenient.