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While creating new IOMapper Project, WiSE studio hangs and doesnt finishes the project creation. So unable to create new project. Image as below:     
We are providing power to our Customised Microcontroller (STM#@ C series) board from my power supply@3.3v. we are using STLINK-V3SET with MB1440 adapter, it is an extension board provided by ST. We have connected 3 PINS GND, SWDIO(PA13), SWDCLK(PA1...
I want to debug my custom board based on BLUENRG-355MC using PE micro debugger on WiSE-Studio IDE by ST.1) Does WiSE-Studio IDE supports PE-micro debugger?2) In case it supports, how to choose PE-micro debugger in WISE-Studio IDE?3) In case it doesn'...
 When I am trying to create a new project for STM32C011 series microcontroller, STM32 cube IDE not showing it in microcontroller selection list.Do i need to install support/package for STM32C0 series, to create workspace for the STM32C0 workspace.Tha...
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