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Hi Can anyone help me understand the difference betweena) writing control loop and obtaining ADC values in HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback with ADC ISRsinstead ofb) writing control loop and obtaining ADC values in HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback using TIMER I...
HiHow to synchronize ADC triggering at the peak of the up-down counter ?ADC1 is triggered using TIM1 trigger out event, and TIM1 has center counter mode as aligned mode3. Thank you in advance !
Hi, I want to have 2 ADC interrupts with DMA. ADC1 is triggered using TIM1 at 4kHz, while ADC2 is triggered using TIM4 at 74kHz. Two different timers are used for different ADC to have different sampling time. The ADC2 is set as Medium priority while...