The LCD backlight on the STM32H747-I Discovery Board requires both a proper 5V power supply and the correct control signals to operate. Providing a 5V power supply alone does not guarantee that the backlight will turn on. Control signal (BL_CTRL on P...
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The error in SE_SP_SMUGGLE (a function that likely performs secure service calls in assembly) is indicative of an issue within the Secure Engine during the signature verification process.
You can also find NDEF middleware under certain project configurations in STM32CubeMX or STM32CubeIDE. If you are developing with STM32 MCUs and use the NFC middleware configuration, NDEF should be available as part of the middleware stack for NFC.
NanoEdge AI Studio may sometimes fail to release and reconnect to the COM port. You can close and reopen NanoEdge AI Studio. Then reconnect the B-L475E-IOT01A2.