User Activity

Hi!I want to ask a question about designing a chess game such as Gomoku using TouchGFX. As far as I know, I need to put two chesses in every single spot and set them as invisible. When user clicks, then set them to visible. However, this is a very te...
Hi! I want to run the Open bootloader example of H573ID-K board but the example is not working for me. I want to bootload a simple IO toggle example via UART. I changed the flash address to FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08008000, LENGTH = 2016Kand  #define...
Hi! Hope everyone are doing well! I currently encounter a problem and can't solve it. I want to write some pieces of data into a file in a usb-disk and now the Appli_state is constantly idle even I connect the USB-Disk already.This is a test demo cod...
Hey! I want to test the functionalities of EMW3080 wifi module using the given example. When I run http command as shown in the readme file, it should download the example .bin file. Where can I find the file's location? I looked into the http_file_d...