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The procedure in AN4035 to get the OnCE into debug mode AN4035 2.5 does not work with either SPC56EL60L5 or SPC67EL70L5. The debug bit in the status register won't return a 1. There must be some undocumented ingredient. Does anyone out there know wha...
Posted on July 27, 2014 at 19:47I’m developing a programmer driver that runs through the SWIM.I now have all of my SWIM macros working, and I’m ready to move on.I am currently working with an STM8S207 device. Where is the Chip ID register? I’ve comb...
Posted on July 17, 2014 at 18:25Dear STM08 Technical supportI am a consultant developing a flash programmer tool for the STM8 that runs on the Teradyne Test Station platform. The end users of this tool will be two high volume users of STM08 devices....