2014-07-27 10:47 AM
I’m developing a programmer driver that runs through the SWIM.
I now have all of my SWIM macros working, and I’m ready to move on.
I am currently working with an STM8S207 device. Where is the Chip ID register? I’ve combed the datasheets and come up with nothing. I can read the lot code. I can even get the X/Y of the wafer that it came from. But what register tells me this is an STM8S207CB? Is it in boot ROM someplace? I suppose I could read and compare the entire boot ROM each time I connect to the part. But that seems a little ridiculous.
What I really need is a chart of all the STM8 ID codes, and at what address I can find them.
It’s funny how you pay attention to the finest details, but the most basic stuff gets overlooked.
2014-07-29 3:26 PM
Heh, I was looking for the same thing for my device...
What my fae told me for stm8s003:At address 0x4FFC we must read 67671000 in hex, check 767 only