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I get a 404 Not found for this ST URL'm specifically looking for the manufacturing flow with chip-specific licenses
So, I want to modify provisioning.bat and/or XML files to create an SFI that contains our developed non-secure app instead of default one, Secure Manager, and the various (especially DA one) OBKs.This will then be downloaded into factory-fresh (only ...
We're trying to provision Secure Manager on our H573ZI-based engineering prototype boards.We've only successfully provision only one out of three and the successful one took several tries.We're using the same provision.bat/provision_auto.bat (from SM...
Does Secure Manager actually use USART1 when it comes up or is the initial serial output from the default app installed when I provision Secure Manager (SM)?This output, I mean================= General Infos ==========================Flash Layout con...
Some sites could not be found. See the error log for more detail.Unable to read repository at cert chain, but no trust certificate found!Unable to read repository at https://download...
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