User Activity

I'm controlling the temperature of high power heaters in my project. Because ithe product can damage if the heaters stay on too long, I have added code to disable the heaters in the hard fault handler. This way I can be sure that if something goes wr...
I'm working on a project where I need to control two WS2812B serial RGB LED strips. These strips are connected to 2 GPIOs which are configured to output modulated PWM to generatate zeros and ones, by letting TIM2 run with DMA configured on CC1 and CC...
I am working on FreeRTOS based firmware on a STM32F103 MCU in STM32CubeIDE. I have the NXP Task Aware Debugger installed, which works fine on displaying the Task List info, but the Heap Usage display does not work. It does show the following error af...