User Activity

Hello all, My aim is to utilize the User Push button (configured as an EXTI gpio) on Nucelo-F411RE board along with a software reset  to enter the System Bootloader located @0x1FFF0000 (ref: AN2606). With the software reset implementation, I face the...
I have implemented a basic I2C between STM32H7 (Main) and STM32F4 (Secondary) processor. I am using an array of size 6 to transmit from the Main CPU to Secondary CPU using I2C in IT mode.The HAL API for I2C requires the data_buffers to be of size uin...
I am using the STM32H753 ARM Cortex M7 processor(Package LQFP208).My SYSCLK runs at the max. speed of 480 MHz and I want to configure my I2C1 (polling) in the Fast Mode (400KHz). I have configured the GPIOs and the modes but I am stuck at the "I2C_TI...
Hello all,   I am new to embedded programming and I am practicing embedded program and trying out new things. Recently I was trying to create a new text file on my SD card by referring this video posted by ST :-
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