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I have a custom board, which uses STM32H747IXH6 and MB1166 LCD screen from the related discovery board. I am trying to get TouchGFX up and running on this custom setup, but in my PCB design, I missed out the dedicated TE pin in the connector (I'm fol...
I have a custom board with a STM32H747 micro on board, interfacing with a LCD driven by OTM8009A over the MIPI DSI interface. I have taken the driver code from the DISCO eval board which I used to design and build my board. On calling OTM8009A_Init()...
I have designed a custom board using STM32H747 with external SDRAM (IS42S32800J) via FMC, copying a lot of the design from the STM32H747I-DISCO eval board. I am currently bringing up the board and testing each component before I implement a TouchGFX ...
I am looking for some overview on my custom STM32H747 PCB design - mainly that my schematic for the power supply and VCAP etc. are correct  The board is to be powered by SMPS.All comments welcome!
I have a setup on a dual core STM32H755 device with each core measuring two ADC channels with shared pins at different sample rates. The M7 core measures ADC1 Ch15 and Ch5 at 1MHz@14bit, with a sampling time of 1.5cycles (20MHz ADC clock prescaled by...
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