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ILI9881C DSI on STM32H747

Associate III

I have a third party screen that is driven by an ILI9881C and I am having a lot of trouble getting TouchGFX up and running.

I first started running DSIHost in Adapted Command mode with TE Pin and I could configure the driver's registers as necessary and turn the display on (with a PWM for the LED backlight), however I could not display any frame data via TouchGFX.

Looking further, I realised that the ILI9881C does not have internal GRAM, and therefore I could only run it in Video mode. 

On switching DSIHost to video mode in CubeMX, my initialisation code no longer works, with all the DSI Writes returning a timeout error.

If anyone has experience in getting this driver chip up and running with TouchGFX, or just a bit of help with configuring DSI in Video mode, it would be much appreciated!

ST Employee

Hello @Iris-DM ,


Have you adapted the timings for video mode?

You can have a look at this video to see how to set up an ILI9341 screen, it is not very different from yours I think.



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)
Associate II

Hi all

I too need to implement driver for ILI988C1 using MIPI DSI interface. I am able to find the documents, but I cannot able to find the example .I am using stm32H750 custom PCB

Please guide me on this How to configure in stm32cube and integrate with TouchGfx

Please help me; it would be very helpful to me


Thanking You,


ST Employee

Hello @Iris-DM ,


Have you been able to move forward on your project?



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)

Hello @rahulz916 ,


We have examples of MIPI DSI displays on the STM32F469-DK board, the STM32U5G9J-DK board, the STM32H747I-DK board, STM32H747I-Eval board, the STM32H769I-DK board and STM32H769I-Eval board.

Also, we have examples of ILI9341 (I think it is this one) on the TBS (TouchGFX Board Setup) using the GFX01 or GFX02 display.



Gaetan Godart
Software engineer at ST (TouchGFX)