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Hello STM32 Community,I am working with an STM32F103C8T6 ("Blue Pill") Original Chip and interfacing it with a MAX31855 thermocouple amplifier over SPI1. I used a sample program generated by ChatGPT, which initializes SPI1 and manually controls the C...
Hi,I am having stm32F103C6T6 Development Board. When i enable -u_printf_float flag for Float printing on 16x2 LCD it takes upto 15KB of total space .Please guide. what else can be done ? -u_printf_float Enabled : Without Flag for Float   
Hi,I am trying to read Total 3 ADC Channel using DMA, Successfully completed and tested in Debug Mode. I had connected OLED to display the same in while loop. It works normally without DMA Enabled. But when DMA is enabled, Display is not working and ...
I am trying to read 4-20mA Transducer using ADC and DMA Enabled. Normally OLED works fine. But when i enabled DMA, OLED is blank. What could be wrong ?   int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration-----...
I am trying to implement LCD and AMS5812 Sensor on I2C3 Bus,But AMS5812 I2C sensor is holding the I2C bus and preventing further scanning STM32F407G Discovery board.  /*-[ I2C Bus Scanning ]-*/ HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t *)StartMSG, s...
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