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Does anyone have an example of how to use TouchGFX's I2C.hpp and I2CTouchController.hpp?I could not find any in the TouchGFX docs.My LCD does not have an ST-provided driver, so I am trying to use HAL_I2C_Mem_Read to implement the sampleTouch function...
MCU: STM32L4R9ZIJ6PSRAM: APS1604M-3SQR-SNDisplay: 800x480, RGB888, 24-bitHi, I'd like to use the mentioned PSRAM to store the TouchGFX framebuffer using OCTOSPI in QuadSPI mode.I have tried setting the Frame Buffer Start Address to OCTOSPI1_BASE (0x9...
Code works fine in simulator but compilation to target (STM32756G-eval2).Code:// MainDisplayView.cpp   MainDisplayView::MainDisplayView(): viewCallback(this, &MainDisplayView::buttonNavCallbackHandler), boxClickedCallback1(this, &MainDisplay...