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When I add the unicode to the proper font for chinese characters the file gets overwritten when I generate code with TouchGFX. So how do I properly update the fonts this way in the middle of a large project?
I believe I am doing something wrong. I read that to re-write to the RTC I will need to:1. Write ‘0xCA’ into the RTC_WPR register.2. Write ‘0x53’ into the RTC_WPR registerI found a function in the RTC file that is:#define __HAL_RTC_WRITEPROTECTION_DI...
I know this seems like a simple question, but for whatever reason this is what is giving the most issues today.Here is what I am working with: Unicode::UnicodeChar keyboardBuffer[7][3];Unicode::UnicodeChar* buff = keyboard.getBuffer();  Unicode:: str...
When I receive the SPI variable I save this as an int like this:uint8_t spiRxBuf;uint32_t highByte;uint32_t lowByte;HAL_SPI_Receive(&hspi2, &spiRxBuf, 1, 10); highByte = spiRxBuf; HAL_SPI_Receive(&hspi2, &spiRxBuf, 1, 10); lowByte = spiRxBuf;int resu...
Hello!Sorry I am new to stm32 and TouchGfx.I am currently reading from SPI and want to relay that data to the screen using: Unicode::snprintf(textCounterBuffer, 10, "%d", finalData); textCounter.invalidate();my problem is that the finalData is a deci...