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I am trying to get a pulse out of TIM2 in compare mode but I see no output. Here is my snippet of code:#include "iostm8l101f3.h" void main( void ) { CLK_CKDIVR = 0x01; // 8MHz PA_CR1 = 0xFF; // all pullups PB_DDR = 0x01; // 0000 0001...
I have this little project for the STM8L101F3 that just writes an arbitrary value to TIM2_CCR1H and TIM2_CCR1L and then tries to start the timer but I get nothing from the timer output.If I run the project with a debugger and inspect the contents of ...
1. What happens if TIM2_ARR is 0xFFFF? Does overflow occur when timer counter counts past 0xFFFF?2. What happens to compare output after TIM2 overflows? For example, lets say that the TIM2_CCR1 = 0x7FFF so the output changes state when the counter co...