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Hi everyone, I develop a asimmetric public/private key crypto scheme and then with simmetric derived ley establish a comms with HOST REMOTE  <-> [LOCAL HOST/STSAFE]. I generate with ephimeral slot with:ret_code = (int32_t)StSafeA_GenerateKeyPair(hand...
I have a SPI on STM32F746 configured:/* SPI6 init function */void MX_SPI6_Init(void){ hspi6.Instance = SPI6; hspi6.Init.Mode = SPI_MODE_MASTER; hspi6.Init.Direction = SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES; hspi6.Init.DataSize = SPI_DATASIZE_16BIT; hspi6.Init.CLKPolar...
Hi have the use a USB aplication with STM32L151CBT6ATR, but this uC have not a dedicated pin for VBUS sensing, how is the way to resolve that situation ?I readed AN4879 and usb_20.pdf specification and not are cleare for me.Much apreciate any solutio...