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Hi,I have an STM32F7 design with SD card connected via SDIO interface.In many posts I read that SD cards have to be initialized with a 1 bit wide bus and a clock of 400 kHz. Switching the bus width from 1 to 4 bit using the command HAL_SD_ConfigWideB...
Hi,our c 13:26:59 : STM32CubeProgrammer API v2.14.0 | Windows-64Bits 13:27:37:380 : UR connection mode is defined with the HWrst reset mode 13:27:38:416 : Device Descriptor: 13:27:38:416 : |_bLength : 0x12 ...
I chaecked the following:There are no variable definitions in my headers. I use #ifndef/#define/#endif in all headers. After 2 days of trying I don't know what to do anymore. What might have changed in V1.9.0?
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