User Activity

Using yocto project and changed default sysvinit to systemd with below line in local.confINIT_MANAGER = "systemd" DISTRO_FEATURES += "pam vulkan opengl egl wayland" CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += "wayland weston" IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " chromium-ozone-...
I have STM32CubeIDE C project already running for an application.I am planning to integrate a GIT submodule (CPP code) for proprietary communication.Is it possible to add the CPP module into existing C project and run?Please assist.
Configured the sensor ISM330DLC to capture 6.6KHz vibrations (which is max limit for chip).Questions:How the chip behaves for >6.6KHz vibrations detected?Is there a way on the HOST side (MCU side) to find these over limit vibrations and consider as ...
As part of maintaining one repository for the application SW, planning to make HAL separation and build configuration switch to be able to work with one STM32CubeIDE, ioc file.Controller change expected from the same Architecture. listed as below Cur...