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Hi everyone,When my group was designing our PCB for the STM32WB55RG, we read page 38 of the datasheet ( and thought we only needed the HSE for BLE functionality. However, after soldering our bo...
Hi everyone,My group has made a custom board for the STM32WB55RG and included a 6-pin configuration for connecting it to a STLink V2 via SWD (target: VCC, SWO, SWDIO, SWCLK, NRST, GND). However in STLink Utility we keep getting an error message when ...
Hi everyone,Up until now I've been doing FUS upgrades and BLE stack flashing on my WB55 Nucleo through the USB bootloader interface, but given that my final PCB won't have a USB port on it (space restrictions), I've had to start learning how to flash...