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Hi all,I have a few questions regard the topic above.Is it an NFCA ISO standard that the PICCs will use BPSK (instead of OOK) to transmit data to the PCD for rates higher than 106? Does the ST25R3916 chipset and/or DISCO board supports speeds up to 8...
Hi all,I am using the  ST25R3916 Discovery GUI to communicate with an NFC03 board in CE mode and so far I have been using the ISO14443A Tab and Debug tab to exercise the functionality. I have a few questions regarding the GUIIs there an updated or m...
I am trying to get the demostration firmware to output some logs through UART or USART but was not able to do so.Both USB cables are connected (micro and mini) and I used Putty to connect to the Mini USB interface (ST link USB port). I also put the b...
Hi all,I am current tinkering with the NFC03+NUCLEO board and the NFC DISCOVERY board for some custom NFC applications.A couple of questions.I understand that the NFC03 (at least the board I'm having) implements a CR95HF and has examples of reader/wr...