int main(void){ double digital; char Stringa[20]; int x=1,k,j,i=0;RCC_CFGR=RCC_CFGR|0xE000; //clock divided by 16---->APB2 pheripherals CLK = 1MHz RCC_APB1ENR=RCC_APB1ENR|0x20001; //abilitazione clock per TIMER2 e USART2 RCC_CR=RCC_CR|0x1; R...
Hi, thanks for your answer. I didn't use the OR, but there is the weird character. I didn't understand this:GPIOA_AFRH=(GPIOA_AFRH & ~0xFF0) | 0x770; // PA9/PA10 AF7I used int for registers but nothing...WIthout the adapter the circuit cannot works.....