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STM32CubeIDE - Version: - Version: 6.8.1-RC4  Build: 20230419-1431 (UTC)I just added two DMA channels to UART1 and noticed a change in stm32h7xx_hal_conf.h The project uses LwIP and FreeRTOS. FreeRTOS relies on TIM6 as...
Both example and KB article depends on FreeRTOS. Is there any real need to use FreeRTOS? In past I used LwIP without FreeRTOS just calling MX_LWIP_Process(). What do I need to do to get rid of FreeRTOS, is it enough to just disable it in STM32Cu...
I have a board that has a connector. Another board is mounted on top of it. This additional board may require either GPIO, or UART, or SPI on the same signals. But I need to change peripherals and work with pins without recompiling the code, without ...
For example, my EEPROM has setting for static IP or DHCP.The problems is MX_LWIP_Init() does not have proper user code sections. It always call dhcp_start(), but I do not need it in case of static IP. The other problem is no any static IP config and ...
I need to feed STM32F427 with external clock generator and at the same time use PH1/OSC_OUT pin as GPIO output.What I doing.STM32CubeMX 6.3.0, FW_F4 v1.26.2 Firmware, "Pinout & Configuration" TAB -> Categories -> RCC -> High Speed Clock (HSE) BYPASS ...
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