User Activity

ProblemI'm having an issue where, after configuring timer 4 in encoder mode using the HAL, the CNT register is not updating while the encoder is turned. Messed around with it for some days but still can't get it to work. HardwareOptical encoder - NPN...
ProblemI'm having an issue with my USB peripheral in the STM32F303ZE. Right now I'm capable of receiving the first request from the host after reset, which is a GET_DESCRIPTOR request. I populate the TX buffer and set the EP0R register to VALID for T...
I can monitor the SAI2 signals directly from the audio codec pins. The MCLK, SCLK, and Fs signals appear correctly based on my configuration but when I connect my oscilloscope to the GPIO header pins (CN2), the lines all appear low even though they a...
SAI2 Block A configured as a MasterTX and works. Fs configured for 48KHz, bit clock configured as 64*Fs and MCLK as 256*MCLK. I've verified these signals are sent to the audio codec which is configured as a slave (receives MCLK, SCLK, LRCLK (Fs)). Th...