User Activity

Dear all,I'm working on a project based on STM32F479 and FreeRTOS. In this project the microcontroller is connected via I2C and SPI bus to other devices, such as switch ethernet and spi-uart converter. I run the initialization of these devices before...
Dear all,I'm working on a project based on STM32F479 microcontroller and I'm using STM32CubeIDE as IDE. The system uses an RTOS (in particular FreeRTOS) and I have reserved a working area into the microcontroller's flash memory to store system inform...
Dear all,I was trying to verify STM32F479 and STM32L476 microcontrollers compliance with SD memory card version 3.0. Both reference manuals state "Full compliance with SD Memory Card Specifications Version 2.0".Using HAL functions provided by ST I ha...
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