I also recognized that LSERDY is no sufficiently reliable indicator if the quartz crystal is actually running. To workaround this problem I implemented a simple test which watches if the subsecond register changes (should happen every ~4ms) within 20...
You are not blind. The closest thing you can get is HAL_RCCEx_GetPeriphCLKFreq which is mostly bad implemented, but continues to improve for newer controllers. Here is an example of a good implementation for the STM32G4: https://github.com/STMicroele...
What firmware version are you talking about? STM32 HAL: V1.7.10FatFS: R0.12cCMSIS: V2.6.5If it is actually working with V1.15.0 but not with V1.16.0 anymore, that strongly smells like a software regression. I recommend you to open a new Issue about t...
Hello @Dejan Nedeljkovic - did you try my solution to fix it?But it sounds like a slightly different behavior - my problem was the initial mount of the SD card while yours sound like it stops working after it was opened.
I can confirm this behavior. The standard of Micro-SD cards demands that initialization is done with 1 bit bus and a slow clock. This is already perfectly implemented by HAL_SD_Init using an own init definition with 1 Bit and slower speed. However, w...