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Hello, I want to work with SD card using SPI in STM32 but it is not working. I tried many things but it didn't work. It was working fine when I tried it 4-5 months ago. What is the problem now? I am referencing sample code from here: https://controll...
Hello everyone,I use NUCLEO STM32F446 and barometer MS5611 with I2C interface. I want to get temperature and pressure data but I am also getting damaged data from USART2. I haven't a problem about baud rate and it is 115200 Bit/s. What is the problem...
Hi,I use STM32F4 with BMI160. But i have a problem. I cannot initiate BMI160 so I can not get gyro and accel data. You can see here my init functions:"init_sensor_interface();bmi160_init(&bmi160dev);init_bmi160_sensor_driver_interface();"When i write...
I use BMP280 sensor with STM32F446. When i upload my code for bmp280 i am not getting data from serial display. How can i fix it? What is the problem?I have added the codes I used below.