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Hello,CubeIDE is not generating the full code for ADC3, as it does for ADC1, more specifically it is missing the part that takes it out of deep power down and activates the voltage regulator.With the ioc in attach, you will see that for ADC1 it gener...
I am using CubeIDE Version: 1.6.0 Build: 9614_20210223_1703 (UTC) to initialise the MPU as it is done for the TCP_Echoserver, however the LL resulting code does not set the LL_MPU_TEX_LEVEL1 bit for the second regionGenerated code:/* MPU Configuratio...
Hi,I am developing some code for a display interface on a NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q, I debug some basic code and the STM32 seem to have crashed.Now I can not connect anymore to it, not even with the CubeProgrammer V2.5.Is there a way to recover the Nucleo boar...
CubeMX doesn't let change the speed for the LTDC Pin PB11 to High, it only accepts "low",When activating the ADC3, the init has 3 lines wrong:static void MX_ADC3_Init(void){.. /* Peripheral clock enable */ __HAL_RCC_ADC12_CLK_ENABLE(); ->> Should be...
Hi, I am developing code for a display on the STM32746G-Discovery.Is it possible to display fonts without blending? (Not to have to erase the background beforehand)If I use the DMA2D with memory to memory with blending, everything works as expected, ...