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Hi , We have one of our a main line product is based on ST25R3911B-AQFT.Now while placing order we have found that this product is marked as "NRND".Our product is already in market and now need assistance for replacement part for further manufacturin...
Hi , We want to design the Antenna for NFC Reader IC ST25TV02K , so any reference design available for Antenna Designing ? What is the recommended Impedance or more specifically inductance for the antenna ?
Hi , suppose I am considering the reading distance of 10cm with my ST25TV tag .So can we design Antenna for ST25TV NFC Tag IC such that the reading range can be configured in real time [For above case from 0cm -10cm] by means of some passive componen...
Hi , we have made the custom PCB for ST25R3911B with AVR AtMega328P Controller.The board works totally fine when runs at 3V3. But for low power design , when ever we try to power up the board on 2.8V , the controller resets.On debugging we have found...
Hi ,We have done preliminary test on X-Nucleo-NFC05A1 and than made our custom board using the reference circuit provided.We have followed the sequence for Card Detection:Now the the function work as follows:rfalInitialize() gives ERROR_NONE st25r391...