I am encountering breaking graphical problems with the configuration perspective and want to try a clean uninstall/reinstall to try to resolve it.What is the preferred method for uninstalling STM32CubeIDE on Linux?
I was attempting to find a dark theme several weeks ago. Unfortunately I don't remember the details of what I did. I believe I was only altering built-in options.I did not remove $HOME/.eclipse during the trouble shooting.After the latest install the...
For me it is:Type=x11Also, looking back at my command history, yes I did play with sudo after the problem was first encountered in order to try to upgrade.
Thank you for your help all. Sorry for the delayed response, I've been ill.There appears to be some nuance to the solution:I started seeing the problem using v1.1.0. When I uninstalled it (with dpkg), it left several folders with contents behind (lik...