I tried your way but that didn't work for me. Solved : see my update above -- I find the instructions from the User Manual work fine: https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/release_note/group0/0e/66/57/b4/f9/ee/4f/73/DM004410...
SOLUTION for Ubuntu 18.04 CURRENT 22 Feb 2020: The detail advice is provided in ST's USER MANUAL for the Programmer, which is here: https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/user_manual/group0/76/3e/bd/0d/cf/4d/45/25/DM00403500/f...
Carlos' advisory above may have been valid 3 months ago but it's NOT TRUE now -- I can vouch for having it working on an Ubuntu 18.04 desktop, after installing JFX. BUT.. am not in the office today (Sunday) and am trying to get it going on a...
29 Jan 2020: I've had a VERY SIMILAR experience: I've been using STM32CubeIDE alongside the separate STM32CubeProgrammer for a couple of months. I'm using BluePills (STM32F103) with the ST-LINK V2 JTAG/SWD programmer / ICE. All the Edit-...